Brick, Tile & Marbles...

We offer clients testing and analysis services for materials like brick and marbles. This service allows us to successfully test and analyze material in terms of compressive strength, water absorption, dimension, tile abrasion value, tile testing and others. The finer details of testing standards delivered by us include.

Product TypeTesting Standards
Compressive Strength without CuringIS:3495 (Pt 1) :1997
Compressive Strength with Curing 
Water AbsorptionIS:3495 (Pt 2) :1997
DimensionIS: 1077:1997
EfflorescenceIS:3495 (Pt 3) :1997
Marble TestingIS:1130:1998
Tile Testing (excluding flexural strength)IS:1237:1996
Tile Abrasion ValueIS:1237
Tile Water AbsorptionaIS:1237
Flexural StrengthIS:1237
Mohs HardnessIS : 1130- 1998
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