Road Material Testing...

We offer clients cement analysis and testing service. This service allows us to successfully test and analyze different grades of cement in term of chemical analysis, physical testing, compressive strength and others. The finer details of testing standards delivered by us include
Product Type Testing Standards
Cement OPC 33 Gd./ 43Gd/ 53 Gd IS:269- 1998, IS:8112-2000, IS:12269-1999
Cement Chemical Analysis IS:4032:2000
Cement Physical Testing IS:4031 (Pt 1):1996 IS:4031 (Pt2):1999 IS:4031 (Pt 3-15):2000
Compressive Strength (Cement 3 days) Cube casting & compression test IS:4031 (Pt 6):2000
Compressive Strength (Cement 7 & 28 days) Cube casting & compression test IS:4031 (Pt 6):2000
Soundness Test IS:4031 (Pt 6):2000
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