Water Testing Service...

We offer clients water testing service. This service allows us to successfully test and analyze drinking water, swimming pool water, construction water, effluent water, water for process food industry, mineral water and others. The finer details of testing standards delivered by us include.
Product Type Testing Standards
Drinking Water (Essential, 11 Test)t IS:10500
Drinking water (Complete, 31 Test) IS:10500
Swimming Pool Water (Complete) IS:3328
Construction Water IS:456
Physical & Chemical Test (For Industrial Purpose, 14 Test) IS:3025
Effluent Water Discharged into Inland Surface water  
Effluent Water Discharged into Public Sewer  
Effluent Water Discharge into Land for Irrigation  
Water for Process Food Industries IS:4251
Mineral Water / Packaged Drinking Water IS: 13428/13454
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